Poured from a 22oz bomber into a Deschutes snifter. Do this beer justice and serve at room temp!
A: Pours a thick, deep black with a 2 finger mocha colored head. Nice retention that dissipates slowly, leaving a good amount of carbonation bubbles around the side of the glass. Alcohol legs are definitely present.
Sm: Huge amounts of roasted malt on the front. Coffee, and chocolate dominate, followed by fruity esters. A hint of caramel and vanilla. Alcohol is subtly present.
T: Almost spot on to the smell. Roasted malts are the key player here. It's so much like sipping on a freshly brewed cup of dark coffee that you could crack it open to have with breakfast. The finish is smooooth, and the bitterness is well balanced by the sweetness of the malts. The 10.5% ABV is well hidden and only briefly noticeable as it warms on the way down.
Mf: Full bodied all the way. Deliciously thick and creamy with just the right amount of carbonation to keep you interested.
O: Another gorgeous beer from Stone and an RIS at its best. I'm excited to try this with a little age on it.
That's my kind of brew!